
Showing posts from June, 2023


Yesterday I wrote about Day 1 , which was mostly PODS. Today the SIGMOD conference started and I had a fun packed day attending awesome talks.  Opening remarks The conference chairs, Sudipto Das and Ippokratis Pandis (both Amazonians), welcomed people. They said they were happy to get SIGMOD back to Seattle, the home of the clouds, after 25 years. They also noted that this is the first fully in-person SIGMOD conference post pandemic. The conference attracted 970 attendants! US based participants constituted 47% of the crowd, China 10%, Germany 8%. There were 660 submissions this year, which was up +20% from last year. There was a graph showing acceptance rates per topics, and I was to catch that transactions papers have more than 30% acceptance rate, and hardware papers more than 40%, both of which are above the average acceptance rate for the conference. They fed the keywords of the accepted papers to ChatGPT for fun, and got an abstract from ChatGPT. The title ChatGPT offered was...


This week I am attending the SIGMOD/PODS conference at Seattle . I am a bit out of my depth here, because I am a distributed systems person putting on a database hat. But so far, so good. I am happy to see that I am able to follow most talks well. I also enjoyed meeting and talking with many database people in coffee breaks and the receptions. Today, day 1, was the PODS conference. I thought PODS was like about storage systems, because you know, in US we see these PODS boxes that are used to pack/store and transport stuff. As I attended PODS talk after another and saw blocks of Greek symbols and formulas, it dawned on me to check what the acronym meant. Turns out PODS stands for "Symposium on Principles of Database Systems". Like its namesake "Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC)", PODS is also a theory conference. These two conferences use "principles" as a code word for theory, I guess. I don't see why that would be the case though, I like my p...

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