DDIA: Chp 9. Consistency and Consensus

The chapter 9 of the Designing Data Intensive Applications (DDIA) book has the following 4 sections (which contain a total of 10 subsections). Consistency guarantees Linearizability Ordering guarantees Distributed transactions and consensus TMI (Too much info) The chapter tries to do too much. Almost an entire semester of distributed systems content is force-jammed into this chapter. I don't think the discord reading group will be able to complete this chapter and make sense of what is going on. For a more manageable load, much of this chapter should be moved to other chapters. The chapter starts with explaining linearizability. It would have been better to explain this in Chapter 5, Replication. Linearizability sounds easy, but it takes time to internalize. I had discussed linearizability here , and later revisited it with this paper . And of course it was mentioned in many other posts. The chapter continues with CAP tradeoff, rightly calling it "the unhelpful CAP theorem...