
Showing posts from November, 2023

Our Florida vacation

No paper review this week. Instead, I stumbled upon notes buried in my entries. With Buffalo now cold and snowy, reminiscing about last June's hot Florida vacation seemed fitting. True to our tradition, we drove there from Buffalo, relishing the two-day road trip. Road trips are our love -- in 2018-19 we had crossed the US East-to-West and then West-to-East. I had documented the East-to-West drive here . This time, it was North-to-South, all the way to the southernmost point of the US—the Key West Islands . Yes, the driving was a bit tiring. But with our new SUV, good audiobooks, and sightseeing on the way, it was enjoyable. We Hotwire'd the hotels for the drive at around afternoon of each driving day. That is how the Demirbas family rolls. Our AirBnB in Orlando was at a resort. It was a 5 bedroom rental. We were able to get it cheap at $200 a day after taxes and everything. It was very comfortable, and we enjoyed the lazy life at the resort. Oh God, everything is big ...

Towards Modern Development of Cloud Applications

This paper is from HotOS'23. At 6 pages, it is an easy-to-read paper, but it is not an easy-to-agree-with paper. The message is controversial: Don't do microservices, write a monolith, and our runtime will take care of deployment and distribution. This is a big claim, and we have been burned by ambitious attempts like this many times before. I realize big claims are part of the style of HotOS, where work-in-progress and sometimes provocative papers make a debut to kickstart a discussion. This paper sure does a good job of starting a discussion. Good There is code, and it is opensource , so this is not just a speculation paper. A Go framework does exist, which has been under development for sometime inside Google. Given Google's expertise on infrastructure and Go, I think this framework will be a big boon to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP), if it gets into production. To evaluate the framework (let's call it ServiceWeaver, with its Github name, shall we?), they consider...

Epoxy: ACID Transactions Across Diverse Data Stores

This VLDB'23 paper is a lovely and useful/practical piece of work. It is database in a can! It goes through all aspects of the protocol and implementation and solves a practical real problem. As with any systems (and especially distributed systems) problem, you initially think "oh how hard/complicated this could be", but as you delve in to the details, you realize there is a lot of things to consider and resolve. The paper does a great job presenting the challenges, and walking the reader through them. Ok, what is this Epoxy work about? Epoxy leverages Postgres transactional database as the primary/coordinator and  extends multiversion concurrency control (MVCC) for cross-data store isolation. It provides isolation as well as atomicity and durability through its optimistic concurrency control (OCC) plus two-phase commit (2PC) protocol. Epoxy was implemented as a bolt-on shim layer for five diverse data stores: Postgres, MySQL, Elasticsearch, MongoDB, and Google Cloud Sto...

PolarDB-SCC: A Cloud-Native Database Ensuring Low Latency for Strongly Consistent Reads

This paper from Alibaba group appeared in VLDB'23 . It talks about how to perform low latency strongly-consistent reads from secondaries in PolarDB database deployments. PolarDB adopts the canonical primary secondary architecture of relational databases. The primary is a read-write (RW) node, and the secondaries are read-only (RO) nodes. Having RO nodes help for executing queries, and scaling out in terms of querying performance. This is essentially t he AWS Aurora architecture . Durability is satisfied through shared storage, so we can ignore that and orthogonally focus on the optimizations for improving RO node performance. The way to improve the RO node performance is by shipping the redo log (essentially WAL) to these RO nodes so they can  keep their buffers ready, and serve reads from the buffer quickly, rather than having to reach out to shared storage. PolarDB architecture follows the same ideas. On top of this, they are interested in being able to serve strong-consistency r...

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