My Distributed Systems Seminar's reading list for Fall 2020
For the Fall semester distributed systems seminar, we will discuss these papers: Bipartisan Paxos: A Family of Fast, Leaderless, Modular State Machine Replication Protocols eXtreme Modelling in Practice Starling: A Scalable Query Engine on Cloud Function Services Lambada: Interactive Data Analytics on Cold Data using Serverless Cloud Infrastructure Tiered Replication: A Cost-effective Alternative to Full Cluster Geo-replication Scalable State-Machine Replication Designing Distributed Systems Using Approximate Synchrony in Data Center Networks Armada: Low-Effort Verification of High-Performance Concurrent Programs Ocean Vista: Gossip-Based Visibility Control for Speedy Geo-Distributed Transactions Consolidating Concurrency Control and Consensus for Commits under Conflicts Tales of the Tail: Hardware, OS, and Application-level Sources of Tail Latency Near-Optimal Latency Versus Cost Tradeoffs in Geo-Distributed St...