
Showing posts from September, 2016

Sonification for monitoring and debugging distributed systems

Humans are top-grade pattern recognition machines. In his latest book , Ray Kurzweil, the Transcendent Man , theorizes that the human brain can be modeled as a hierarchy of pattern recognizers. Kurzweil says the neocortex contains 300 million very general pattern recognition circuits and argues that they are responsible for most aspects of human thought. (As a side note, here is an amusing little post I had written about some peculiar pattern recognition bug in our brains. ) I don't have theories or hard data to offer on human pattern recognition skills. All I can offer here are some anecdotes. Some time ago, I had read a story about rangers decrypting a secure radio transmission by just getting accustomed to it. (This was a fascinating story, and I lost track of where I read this story. If you have a pointer, let me know in the comments.) The secure radio transmission system had some peculiarities when encrypting, maybe the encryption was taking tad bit longer when encrypting ...

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