What technological advancements will the next decade bring?
There have been amazing progress in technology in recent years . Just to name a few, I would mention deep learning, big data, ubiquitous tablets and smartphones, advances in medicine, BitCoin, 3D printing, accurate voice recognition, Arduino, Raspberry pie, maker movement, drones, etc. I can't help but wonder what we will see next, in the coming decade. What discoveries we will be able to make? How would the world change? I am very curious and excited about the future. To extrapolate to 2025, indulge me as I go back to the year 2005 to extrapolate. Ten years ago, iPhone was still not introduced (iPhone 1 got introduced on June 29, 2007). Smartphones were rare. Internet was not a household item. Cloud was not there. Tablets were not there. In fact, none of the technologies mentioned in the previous paragraph were there. In ten years we have come a long way. Let me add an anectode about how I witnessed this ride in the last 10 years. In 2005, I joined University at Buffalo as an ...