
Showing posts from March, 2015

Facebook's Mystery Machine: End-to-end Performance Analysis of Large-scale Internet Services

This paper appeared in OSDI'14, and is authored by Michael Chow, University of Michigan; David Meisner, Facebook, Inc.; Jason Flinn, University of Michigan; Daniel Peek, Facebook, Inc.; Thomas F. Wenisch, University of Michigan . The goal of this paper is very similar to that of Google Dapper (you can read my summary of Google Dapper here) . Both work try to figure out bottlenecks in performance in high fanout large-scale Internet services. Both work use similar methods, however this work (the mystery machine) tries to accomplish the task relying on less instrumentation than Google Dapper. The novelty of the mystery machine work is that it tries to infer the component call graph implicitly via mining the logs, where as Google Dapper instrumented each call in a meticulous manner and explicitly obtained the entire call graph. The motivation for this approach is that comprehensive instrumentation as in Google Dapper requires standardization....and I am quoting the rest from the pa...

Paper review: "Simple Testing Can Prevent Most Critical Failures: An Analysis of Production Failures in Distributed Data-Intensive Systems"

This paper appeared in OSDI'14 and is written by Ding Yuan, Yu Luo, Xin Zhuang, Guilherme Renna Rodrigues, Xu Zhao, Yongle Zhang, Pranay U. Jain, and Michael Stumm, University of Toronto. While the title mentions "analysis of production failures", the paper is not concerned/interested in root cause analysis of failures, instead, the paper is preoccupied with problems in error handling that lead to failures. I enjoyed this paper a lot. The paper has interesting counterintuitive results. It opens to discussion the error handling issue, and particularly the Java exception handling. Digesting and interpreting the findings in the paper will require time. To contribute to this process, here is my take on the findings ---after a quick summary of the paper. The setup and terminology  The paper studied 198 randomly sampled user-reported failures of 5 opensource data-intensive distributed systems: Cassandra, HBase, Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), Hadoop MapReduce, an...

My crazy proposal for achieving lightweight distributed consensus

Distributed consensus is a hard problem. See some of my previous posts for discussion about impossibility results on distributed consensus. Paxos taught Perspectives on the CAP theorem Attacking Generals problem The reason distributed consensus is hard is because the parties involved don't have access to the same knowledge (the same point of view) of the system state.   Halpern's work on knowledge and common knowledge in distributed systems provides a useful framework to explain this.   Here is a summary of common knowledge paper by Halpern , and here is a nice talk on that paper. Of course, we have distributed consensus solutions, Paxos, ZooKeeper/ZAB, that ensure safety always and provide progress whenever the system conditions step outside the impossibility results territory (with respect to synchrony, channel reliability/reachability, and number of up nodes). But these solutions come with a performance cost, as they need serialization of all update requests from a ...

Eidetic systems

This paper appeared in OSDI'14. The authors are all from University of Michigan: David Devecsery, Michael Chow, Xianzheng Dou, Jason Flinn, and Peter M. Chen. This paper presents a transformative systems work, in that it introduces a practical eidetic system implementation on a Linux computer/workstation. This paper is a tour de force: It undertakes a huge implementation effort to implement a very useful and novel eidetic memory/system service. The authors should be commended for their audaciousness. An eidetic computer system can recall any past state that existed on that computer, including all versions of all files, the memory and register state of processes, interprocess communication, and network input. An eidetic computer system can explain the lineage of each byte of current and past state. (This is related to the concept of data provenance, which I mention briefly at the end of my review.) Motivation One use case for an eidetic system is to track where/how erroneou...

Extracting more concurrency from Distributed Transactions

This paper appeared in OSDI'14. The authors are: Shuai Mu, Yang Cui, Yang Zhang, Wyatt Lloyd, Jinyang Li. The paper, presentation slides and video are accessible here. The paper proposes a concurrency control protocol for distributed transactions, and evaluates its performance comparing with two-phase locking (2PL) and optimistic concurrency control (OCC). The protocol The protocol introduced, ROCOCO (ReOrdering COnflicts for COncurrency) is targeted for extracting more concurrency under heavily contended workload than 2PL and OCC can handle. In fact, ROCOCO's improvements over OCC and 2PL comes after the peak throughput point of even ROCOCO. One of the questions after the OSDI presentation was about this. "That region where the system is thrashing is not a region you want to be. Why would you not employ admission control to refuse extra workload that pushes the system past peak performance?" ROCOCO assumes that a distributed transaction consists of a set of ...

My trick for coordinating Dropbox collaborations

There are high-tech solutions to managing the collaborative paper writing process, such as using version control systems like CVS or git. The downside to these systems is that when you are collaborating on a paper with a low-tech author, it is cumbersome to get them on board with these tools. Some of my collaborators have been from a non-CS background. And even some CS-background collaborators refuse to deal with cryptic version control commands and error messages. Dropbox provides a simple easy-to-use solution to sharing files which helps  teams to collaborate on projects, including collaborating on a paper. However, Dropbox does not have access control and cannot coordinate concurrent accesses to the same file by multiple writers. This causes overwritten/lost updates and frustrated collaborators. I have a low-tech solution to this problem. I have used this solution successfully with multiple collaborators over the last 2-3 years. Chances are that, you have also come up with t...

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