Decoupled Transactions: Low Tail Latency Online Transactions Atop Jittery Servers (CIDR 2022)
This is a CIDR22 paper by Pat Helland. It is a long paper at 18 pages, followed by 12 pages of appendix. Since he wrote such a long paper, I won't apologize for writing a long review. This is a Pat Helland paper, so it is full of Hellandisms. Pat's papers are always remarkable, distinct. There is a lot of wisdom in them. So, in case there could be any doubt about this, let me preface this review by saying that I learn a lot from Pat's papers, and I am grateful to Pat for teaching me and the community. UPDATE : This is a very technical and dense paper, despite the colloquial writing style. Appendix D, Sections 15.3 and 15.4 show how to address the jitter free liveness check via log and the jitter free concurrent log fencing. I had gotten these wrong about the paper, and criticized the paper with my limited understanding of the design. It took many hours of discussion with Pat to get a better understanding of the protocols in the paper. I owe Pat a revised write-up bu...