My trick for coordinating Dropbox collaborations

There are high-tech solutions to managing the collaborative paper writing process, such as using version control systems like CVS or git. The downside to these systems is that when you are collaborating on a paper with a low-tech author, it is cumbersome to get them on board with these tools. Some of my collaborators have been from a non-CS background. And even some CS-background collaborators refuse to deal with cryptic version control commands and error messages.

Dropbox provides a simple easy-to-use solution to sharing files which helps  teams to collaborate on projects, including collaborating on a paper. However, Dropbox does not have access control and cannot coordinate concurrent accesses to the same file by multiple writers. This causes overwritten/lost updates and frustrated collaborators.

I have a low-tech solution to this problem. I have used this solution successfully with multiple collaborators over the last 2-3 years. Chances are that, you have also come up with the same idea. If not, feel free to adopt this solution for your collaborations. It helps.

Here is the solution. When I share a folder to collaborate with coauthors, I create a token.txt file in that folder. This file is there to coordinate who edits which file at any given time.

Below is a sample token.txt file contents. The first part explains the guidelines for coordination, the second part lists the files to collaborate on. We generally use one file to correspond to one section of the paper.

Check with token.txt file to see who is editing which file in order to avoid conflicts.
If you want to write:
+ pick a section/file,
+ reopen token.txt to avoid seeing old-state,
+ write your name next to that section/file at token.txt to get the lock/token,
+ quickly hit save on token.txt, and
+ start editing that section/file on your own pace.

When done writing:
+ delete your name for that section/file at token.txt. (I.e., Unlock that file.)

Don't keep unlocked files open in your editor, lest you inadvertently save them over a newer version your collaborator wrote. An editor that auto-saves may also cause that problem.
eval: ...........Ailidani
concl: This file is always with Murat! Treat this as read-only, don't edit.

The token.txt file acts as a message board to show who is working on which file. Of course there can be concurrent updates to token.txt, but this is less likely because you make a tiny edit and then quickly save this file. Moreover, many editors, including Emacs, notifies you immediately if the token.txt file has been changed during the time you keep it open.

(This is in essence similar to the use of RTS-CTS messages in wireless communications. Instead of having a more costly collision for a long-size data transfer, it is an acceptable tradeoff to have occasional collided/lost RTS messages, because those are very short transfers and are low-cost.)

Yes, this is a lazy low-tech solution and requires some discipline from collaborators, but the effort needed is minimal, and I haven't got any bad feedback from any collaborator on this. During the time I used this method, we never had a problem with concurrent editing on the same file. (I used this with teams of size 2-to-6, and only for collaborating on papers.) One problem, however, we occasionally had was with someone forgetting to remove a lock after he is done working on that file. In this case, we resort to email: "Are you still holding the lock on this file? When do you plan to release it?"

Notice the "ALL FILES" entry at the end. That is when one author may want to lock all the files for a short duration easily. This happens infrequently, but comes handy for restructuring the paper, making fast substitution edits across all files, or spell-checking the entire paper before submission.

You may also notice a entry at the bottom. That is an org-mode file where I keep my TODO items and notes about the paper. It is my lab-notebook for this writing project. I can't function in any project without my file.

PS: Geoffrey Challen suggests: "You could also replace Murat's token.txt file with a Google Drive document." 


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