
Showing posts from January, 2014

Bionic Cyber Physical Systems

I have been neglecting my blog because of several paper and proposal deadlines. Rather than keeping the blog gather more dust, I decided to share some summaries from recent talks I attended and papers I read. This is a talk I attended couple months ago and enjoyed a lot. It is directly on the distributed systems topic, but in the future we may find ourselves programming these kind of distributed systems, and we will be dealing with a lot of bugs in our code for sure ;-) Alper Bozkurt (NCSU) has been working on bionic cyber physical systems , which aim to fuse synthetic man-made systems with naturally occuring biological organisms, such as cockroaches, moths, dogs, lemurs, and eventually humans. His research is very interesting and has been featured at National Geographics, CNN, and Stephen Hawkins show "Brave New World". Here is the PhDComics coverage of his research   ( and this ). Alper primarily works with insects. He says insects are fabuluous because they are optimiz...

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